Is the import and distribution of prestige Laboratory equipment-education-industry of the world's largest airline with best price. We are committed to bring the highest value to our customers when involved collaboration-links with INNOTEC equipment joint stock company Vietnam- "The value of reputation-sustainable cooperation" with the motto " Quickly, exactly, save costs"

With a team of young engineers are trained from the top Universities in the country, along with the experience and professional working style, often be trained from the manufacturer. We are always ready to meet your requirements at maximum with the fields: Analysis equipment in the industry feed, veterinary medicine, medical equipment, educational equipment, food analysis equipment, environmental analysis equipment, biotechnology equipment, agricultural equipment, industrial equipment ...

Innotec Vietnam has strict organizational structure with the specialized departments, support each other forming a unified high-performance apparatus:

  • The Board of Directors
  • Sales and marketing
  • Technical applications
  • Chamber of import and export
  • Administration and accounting
  • Room maintenance, fix

To ensure our customers always receive the the best service with the professional service from the technical consulting, device selection advice, Lab consulting, support operation of equipment effectively and offers warranty service repair maintenance equipment.

Innotec Vietnam are happy to serve you with the highest spiritual!

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