Weight of electronic engineering and basic instructions using technical scales

Technical/weight loss what is electronic engineering ?

Electronic engineering, weight loss techniques advent became effective solutions for many industries and research. It helps users to easily measure the weight of measure precision. Technical/weight loss is exactly the line of electronic precision scales from 0.1 g to 0.001 g( also known as the accuracy from 1 to 3 number of travellers) used in the basic lab, or in the food processing industry, pharmaceutical products used in civil and meet most all measurement applications. in

Manual technical balance Tahereh
What is electronic engineering balance?

The main structure of the technical scales

The heart of the loss of electrical engineering include 2 the main section includes electronic circuits and loadcell, because is the correct weight line should the resolution of load cell and electronic circuits are usually at the level of 2-3 number of travellers.

Load cell: Known as load sensor, It is the device used to "measure the weight necessary to electronic scales show the weight of numbers"

Electronic circuits: include ADC (analog to digital converter) also known as the circuit switch analog signals to digital signals and other microcontroller circuits, IC read values from load cell, the calculation and then send the results to the user.

Due to the texture loss of electrical engineering by using sensors and electronic circuits require the user to know how to use the new deliver accurate results as well as ensure the durability of the weight.

Basic Guide to use weight of electronic engineering.

1/ Environment when using weight loss techniques: the humidity of the air <70%, temperature 15-40 oC. Do not carry weight in dry environment (< 25%) or too humid (>70%), avoid putting weight in the position has many environmental impacts such as draughty, sunlight, near there is machinery vibrations as with microwave ( directly), Air khoấy from (next to the), drying oven ( directly), vacuum or air stir slightly ( next to the), the fan, air conditioning,... or to weight/side near the open window.

2/ Latest from from weighing down balance form, No animals/samples on weight suddenly or drop object/model on the scale when the measurement. No weight limit on excessive heavy form of balance sheet: Need to make weight before weight essential. Do not put liquid samples, the powder directly exposed onto the pans, use Cup, the bottle to sample containers when weighing.

3/ When the weight, do not stir, type up the Cup Cup holder model (with the liquid form) . The above and similar operations need to be performed outside the weight or replaced by other operations do not cause impact directly on the weighing. Just read the results after the weight loss has stabilized( from 2-3s), the line weight has allowed except dermatome, computer automatic defragmentation. Should read carefully the guidelines according to the specific instructions of the manufacturer.

4/ When weighing surface hygiene, need to turn off balance and take the weight off the table the tabletop support weight pylon then made the. When Emperor area sanitation help weight table, absolutely no content hard objects pointed to nạy ,by removing dust at the Empire slots. Are only allowed to use Paintbrush attached with vacuum tube throat to manipulate.

5/ Every time the moving weight, need to check and adjust the scale by the scale. Depending on the type of loss, can thâấ over check the deviation from the central location of drops of water or portable ink gauges. After a period of using weight should adjust the weight again to ensure the accuracy of the weight, because weight could be wrong when the weight for a long time use, the calibration should be done in standard environmental conditions (full technical repair tools). Calibration must be done in full for all the standard volume level. Usually, 1 month 1 times or after 1000 measurements or when considering failure phenomena violating measuring operations as loss through volume allows, weight moved the center of gravity.

6/ When not in use technical scales, absolutely not to any weight would make weight loss must be subject to the disc constant load. Weight should be covered by dust mica box or equivalent but not covered up the table cloth or nylon plate weight. Weight is not exposed directly in the Sun or the impact of continuously bỏi wind fan, storage cool place.

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