Hóa chất vi sinh E.coli

Hóa chất vi sinh E.coli được xây dựng theo tiêu chuẩn Quốc Gia TCVN 10781:2015 và ISO/ TS13136:2012

Hóa chất vi sinh E.coli innotec are genuine commitment and professional consulting services!

This standard is applicable to the field of Ecoli bacteria in food, feed, environmental samples in production areas. Method for the detection of microorganisms that cause disease by Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) real time-discovered bacteria Escherichia Coli (E.coli) Shiga toxin.

E. coli is one of the main members of the intestinal bacteria, but they are also the root causes of many diseases mission of intestinal infection.

E. coli bacteria cause diseases of poisoning food Manor, ill stick to the gut, many large outbreaks have occurred in the world.

The method of analysis of e. coli prevalence

The method analysis of e. coli by MPN method: used in the food and water samples containing low density. Based on the principle of dilution of the decimal and is brewed in test tubes containing biotechnology environment appropriate. More Durham tube integrated – Gas lever tube.

Chemical environmental microbiology Ecoli preparation: Lauryl Sulphate environment Broth LSB, Brilliant Green Lactose Bile liquid environment in Salt-Broth BGBL, The EC Broth, Disk-agar-agar environment EMP, Agar Simmon Citrate, MR Soup-REPORTER.

Quantify e. coli bacterial counts by the method of touch: Templates are a transplant on the selective agar environment yet Lactose , then confirm by IMViC test.

Micro chemicals required: The environment farming Trytone Soya Agar-TSA, Violet Red Bile Agar-VRB, EC Broth, Tryptone Lactose Lautyl Sulphate, Tryptone Broth soup environment, MR-VP Broth Soup, Agar Simmon Citrate and reagents Kovac.

In addition, The method analysis of e. coli in popularity again as: bacterial enrichment method and the Add method using special đĩa petrifilm 3M very quick and high reliability.

Below are the chemical biological e. coli for analysis methods on the. You can contact us directly or Email on: infor@innotec.vn to get the best quote.

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