Emissions standards prescribing the maximum value allowed by the pollution parameters in solid waste incinerator emissions of health.
The need identified in emissions was born from medical waste incinerator as:
- Determine the concentration of gas Nitrocarburizing oxide(NOx).
- Define heavy metal(Cadmi, lead,Antimoan/Stibi (Sb),Asen,Bari ,Coban ,Crom,Mangan,Mercury,Niken,Phospho…..)
- Determine the concentration of dust.
- Determine the concentration of CO,SO2.
- Determine the concentration of HF,HCl.
The references on the methods according to emissions standards:
–Free Nam_7557-1 emission standards _ 2005 :Method xevil intentions-heavy metal (Antimoan/Stibi (Sb),Asen,Bari ,Coban ,Crom,Mangan,Mercury,Niken,Phospho…)
–Free emissions standard Nam_7557-3-2003 : Method of determining the concentration of CADMIUM AND LEAD BY ATOMIC ABSORPTION FLAME AND NOT THE FLAME
–Free Nam_7241_2003 emission standard :The method of determination of dust concentration in the exhaust.
–Free Nam_7242_2003 emission standard :Method of determining the concentration of carbon monoxide(CO) in emissions.
–Free Nam_7243_2003 emission standard :Method of determining the concentration of hydrofluoric acid(HF) in emissions.
–Free Nam_7244_2003 emission standard :Method of determining the concentration of Hydrochloric acid(HCl) in emissions.
–Free emissions standards Nam_7245-2003 :Method of determining the concentration of NITROUS OXIDE (NOTX) in emissions.
–Free Nam_7246_2003 emission standard :Method of determining the concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in emissions.
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